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Social Gurudeva @socialgurudeva | FeedinWeb

Social Gurudeva   Offline

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02 May, 2021 (3 Years)


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Social Media is tool for your growth. Life Hack 😉


Social Media Marketing

Ads Campaign

Digital Marketing

Business Growth


Social Media


Personal Branding

Joined FeedinWeb:

27 Apr, 2024

Social Gurudeva Social Gurudeva
14 hours ago | 18 minute read
What are Digital Marketing Platforms?

What are Digital Marketing Platforms?

Unleash your digital marketing mojo! Discover the top 10 platforms you need to know, from social media giants to email marketing ninjas. Master content creation strategies to captivate your audience and learn the tricks to avoid common mistakes. Take your digital marketing from zero to hero - one platform at a time! … Read More
Category: Internet & Media World Wide Learning
14 - 0

Social Gurudeva Social Gurudeva
4 days ago | 7 minute read
What are Digital Marketing Channels?

What are Digital Marketing Channels?

Master the art of digital marketing channels! Learn the difference between organic and paid channels, and how to choose the right ones for your goals. Discover tips for managing multiple channels effectively, from setting a unified strategy to monitoring performance. Unlock the power of digital marketing and drive your business forward. … Read More
Category: Internet & Media World Wide Learning
23 - 0

Social Gurudeva Social Gurudeva
1 week ago | 7 minute read
How to Do Digital Marketing With Artificial Intelligence?

How to Do Digital Marketing With Artificial Intelligence?

Unlock the power of AI in digital marketing! Discover how AI is revolutionizing data analysis, personalization, customer support, content recommendations, and predictive analytics. Learn about AI's role in content creation, advertising, social media, and analytics. Learn to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing … Read More
Category: Internet & Media World Wide Learning
32 - 0

Social Gurudeva Social Gurudeva
1 week ago | 8 minute read
How Digital Marketing Started and Evolving?

How Digital Marketing Started and Evolving?

Explore the fascinating journey of digital marketing! From primitive websites to social media giants, discover how the field has adapted to search engines, mobile dominance, and AI. Traces the historical timeline of digital marketing's evolution, highlighting key milestones from 1990s to 2020s. … Read More
Category: Internet & Media World Wide Learning
35 - 0

Social Gurudeva Social Gurudeva
2 weeks ago | 15 minute read
Two Types of Digital Marketing (B2B, B2C)

Two Types of Digital Marketing (B2B, B2C)

Uncover the world of B2B and B2C marketing! Learn the key differences between targeting businesses vs. consumers. Explore strategies, benefits, and challenges of each approach. Discover which path aligns with your business goals and how to craft effective marketing campaigns. … Read More
Category: Internet & Media World Wide Learning
31 - 0

Social Gurudeva Social Gurudeva
2 weeks ago | 8 minute read
What Is The Difference Between Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing?

What Is The Difference Between Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing?

Let's understand the power of Digital Marketing and learn how it outshines the traditional marketing with wider reach, lower costs, targeted audience, measurable results, and real-time engagement. Understand the shift from traditional to digital marketing driven by consumer behaviour, cost-efficiency, global reach, and 24/7 availability. … Read More
Category: Internet & Media World Wide Learning
22 - 0

Social Gurudeva Social Gurudeva
1 month ago | 10 minute read
Digital Marketing Fundamentals - An Overview of "What is Digital Marketing?"

Digital Marketing Fundamentals - An Overview of "What is Digital Marketing?"

What exactly is digital marketing? Many of us are confused in this term and relate it directly to online ads. Digital marketing is much more than just online content. In this series, we are going to help you understand the actual workings of digital marketing so that you can understand the basic principles of digital marketing. … Read More
Category: Internet & Media World Wide Learning
15 - 0

Social Gurudeva Social Gurudeva
4 months ago | 4 minute read
Social Media: "The Way to Grow" Your Own Brand

Social Media: "The Way to Grow" Your Own Brand

When you consider building your own brand, what comes to mind? Social Media Correct! Social networking is helping to shape today's personal brands. Let's quickly review social media before getting into the how and why brands are growing so rapidly on the internet as compared to other business or brand development strategies. … Read More
Category: Internet & Media World Wide Learning
33 - 0